Vote Howie Hawkins for Governor - Green Party - Line F

Find your polling place here.

Howie Hawkins

Polls are open from 6 AM to 9 PM across the

state. If you encounter problems, call 315 474-7055.


The only vote that counts towards the 50,000 needed to give the Green Party ballot status is the vote for Howie Hawkins for Governor and Gloria Mattera for Lt. Governor. Row F.


Andrew Cuomo is winning easily - more than 20 points ahead of Paladino - so there is no need to vote for the lesser of two evils. Also, a vote for the WFP is merely another voter for the Democratic Party and Cuomo; in fact, all WFP votes are merely added to the Democratic total on election night.


Remind your friends to vote for Howie. One World. One Chance. Vote Green Party.


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