Green Party To Host live Online Chat During President State of the Union Address

The Green Party will host a live online chat during President Obama's 2012 State of the Union address on Jan. 24

The Livestream broadcast will feature Green presidential candidates Jill Stein and Kent Mesplay; viewers can participate in the chat and phone in with questions, Tuesday, Jan. 24, 9:00 pm until 11:30 pm.

WASHINGTON, DC -- Green Party presidential candidates will participate in an online discussion immediately following President Obama's 2012 State of the Union speech on Tuesday, Jan. 24. During the show, to be broadcast on the Green Party's Livestream channel, viewers can call in with questions for the candidates. Viewers can also join in an online chat that will take place simultaneously with the State of the Union broadcast, which will be visible on the Livestream page. The public is invited to participate.

Green Parties in several states and the District of Columbia will hold presidential primary elections in 2012 similar to the Democratic and Republican primaries. The Green Party of the United States will hold its 2012 Presidential Nominating Convention in Baltimore, Maryland, July 12 to 15. Convention web site: